Medication Data
Data Description
The medication table contains data about medication and fluid given.
Predefined Fields (RoDataServer)
Known Limitations
The medication data is generally considered as being widely valid. Nevertheless there are some limitations to be stated:
Offsets and Times
The offset is the documented time of drug application. As the observed intensive care unity do not use perfusor telemetry all values are entered manually. Following inaccuracies of of time give may be generally expected:
- +/- 5 minutes in anaesthesia settings
- +/- 5 minutes in resuscitation settings
- +/- 15 minutes in intensive care settings
The difference is explained in different default view range in medication input forms.
Different Reference for similar drugs
Due to liberal laws concerning drug names in Austria not all drugs are correctly labeled by their INN name and sometimes multiple proprietary products for the same substance are used. The SICDB Team used an algorithm to identify and unify the medication data. There may be special cases where this procedure failed, for example at compound antihypertensive drugs.